Hey Sister!

I'm so happy you're here, because you're long overdue for a Breakthrough!
You've read all the books, listened to the podcasts, talked to all the therapists, and tried really, REALLY hard to change....to stop letting yourself down, and setting yourself up!
But even though you "know better" you keep watching yourself play out the same old self sabotaging bulls***!
You're way too successful, too smart, and too "over 40" to be feeling like an emotionally overwhelmed, self critical, and confused kid!!
And speaking of kids, you know that you'd never want your kids to feel this stuck! 
Listen: the only reason you haven't been able to get unstuck, is that you've been mis-educated on what it REALLY takes to change as an adult....
The BreakThrough Program gives you everything you were never taught, about how to be authentically empowered, happy & free...for yourself AND your family. When you're authentically happy, EVERYONE WINS!


Get on the waitlist TODAY and be the first to know when registration opens in September, 2024!
XO Stephanie


Are You Ready For Your BreakThrough?

Get on the waitlist for The BreakThrough Program, and be the first to know when registration opens in September!


50% Complete

I'm Ready!