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I help women in Midlife Identity Crisis reconnect to who they truly are, what they really want & the tools they need to live their lives authentically, without fear, guilt or apology.

Inner Child Healing & Self Reparenting Coaching & Courses for Women In Midlife.

"Midlife is an unraveling; a time when you feel the desperate pull to live the life you WANT to live, not the life you're supposed to live" ~ Dr Brene Brown"

You feel pretty "bad ass" in your work/public life:

  • You easily make quick, smart business decisions, with a growth mindset, that feel natural & easy. 
  • Your work is highly valued & praised 
  • People turn to you for guidance; you're a natural leader.
  • You're perceived as confident, positive, strong & "together"


The truth is, behind the surface, you battle with yourself; there is a MAJOR disconnect between how you show up in public vs how you show up in private.

At work and out in public, you're confident, decisive...a boss babe, really.

But at home, in your intimate relationships, you're self-doubting, people-pleasing, putting yourself last, second-guessing, and frustrated with's like you're a kid, not the grown woman you are.

You've tried therapy to deal with the problem. And you could have a pretty nice bonfire with all the self-help books you've read. You've tried really hard to implement the tips and techniques, but after a bunch of stopping and starting, the needle hasn't moved. 

It's so damn confusing, disappointing & exhausting! 

This incongruence makes it a struggle to:

  • Trust yourself completely
  • Enjoy deeper, more meaningful & intimate connections with those closest to you
  • Try new things, take healthy risks, and achieve your next level of success, both professionally & personally.

You want to trust yourself to show up in all your power & capacity in every part of your Life; you don't want to feel so compartmentalized. 

And you know there's another level of joy and inner peace beyond what you've been experiencing; you can feel it. You just can't seem to get there, because old habits and patterns in your personal life keep you STUCK.

Do ANY of these sound like you?

  • Self doubt stops you from taking consistent decisive action for your personal goals and desires. 
  • You settle for less than what you really want/deserve in relationships and lifestyle
  • You hold back, and often hide, your unique perspective & playful Spirit, out of fear of criticism and judgment
  • You play small and "tone yourself down" so as not to draw attention or make others uncomfortable
  • You accept unacceptable behavior to “keep the peace” and hold on to  relationships that drain you, compromise your values, and leave you feeling like "the problem"
  • You people-please, and neglect your own boundaries, out of fear of emotional/physical abandonment
  • You avoid healthy confrontation, and brush things under the rug,  out of a fear of appearing mean, difficult, unworthy or wrong.
  • You habitually neglect your own physical, emotional & spiritual needs because you're “too busy” 
  • You constantly over-scheduling yourself, to the point of exhaustion and resentment
  • You engage in chronic negative self talk that hijacks your peace, and destabilizes your emotions
  • You constantly discount your own intuition, resulting in pain, inconvenience and loss for yourself, and others.
  • You grossly neglect play, hobbies, and self care because you fear being “unproductive”
  • You can't stand how you see yourself in your intimate relationships, so you prioritize your work/public life over your personal life; as a result, your relationships feel like a constant struggle. 
  • You hide your frustration, confusion, and feelings of hopelessness behind a facade of confidence, “positivity” and ambition, resulting in emotional isolation and loneliness. 

If ANY of that sounded familiar, I've got Good News...

These damaging beliefs and behaviors are common forms of SELF - ABANDONMENT, not "moral failings" you're stuck with. 

Self abandonment is a learned behavior….it’s a HABIT.

And habits can be unlearned.

The NOT So Good News...

Self-abandoning behaviors don't go away on their own; this is a "WIRING" issue that CANNOT reset itself....YOU have to reset it; and you CAN! You just need the right tools!

Are You Ready For Your Next Best Chapter?

My private & group coaching programs have PROVEN SUCCESS with women in midlife who are ready & willing to:

  • live a Life of unapologetic truth-telling and unconditional self-love
  • surrender the beliefs and behaviors that make Life feel like a chore
  • take 100% responsibility for their lives; no victimhood
  • view their self-abandoning behaviors as cues for change, NOT as evidence of personal defect.
  • take their place as leaders in EVERY part of their lives
  • believe in a benevolent creative Force, eager for conscious co-manifestation.
  • accept that putting their happiness and inner peace first is a loving act


If you're willing to go ALL IN for yourself, then you might be READY for my programs.....

Tell Me About Your Programs!

"This is the best investment I’ve made in myself during my adult life. I was getting to a point where I was tired of letting my circumstances and the people around me affect my happiness – I wanted to be thriving, not just surviving, and I wanted to be able to make this shift without needing to change anyone else. I had started some work on my own, finding inspiration from teachers like Ekhart Tolle and Byron Katie, but I was having trouble piecing it all together and applying it in my daily life. Stephanie’s program was the exact solution I needed to take my growth to the next level and start making significant changes in my life. Stephanie truly has a gift for this work… with her program, I’ve been able to change paradigms I didn’t even realize I had so that I can live life with more joy, authenticity, and love."

Jamie E.
Teacher, Mom, Awe-Inspiring Bad Ass

Here's the deal....

You can spend 5-10 years in conventional therapy, and you'll see some changes. 

But a therapist is NOT a coach, and vice versa. 

In some cases, traditional therapy is exactly what's needed; for those with significant unprocessed trauma, a history of diagnosed mental illness, and/or those struggling with chemical addiction, coaching isn't the best use of your resources..

But coaching IS the answer for women who:

  1. Are seeking to solve a very specific problem
  2. Are mentally & emotionally capable & eager to follow a system of direct and actionable tasks, that have been proven to result in the desired outcome.


Ask yourself....

If you were planning to scale Mt. Everest, and had the choice of taking a primary care doctor with you, or a local sherpa, who would you take?

Hopefully, you'd choose the sherpa!

While the doctor obviously offers their own rich value, their expertise is broad and the support they can offer for this specific circumstance is limited.

The sherpa, however, has a specialized skill set that's been honed through deep study, analysis, experimentation, and direct & personal experience with this 1 essential task. 

If you chose the sherpa, you might be ready to scale your own Mt. Everest, with the support of my coaching programs...


I chose the sherpa! Book My Free Consult Call!


I am your sherpa, your guide, your mirror, and your fiercest advocate....


With over 20 years of  commitment to the study & application of theories & techniques of revolutionary teachers from the realms of spirituality, psychology, neurology, human development, and social theory, coupled with my own observations, experiments, and mystical experiences, I healed myself of chronic self-abandonment, people-pleasing and a nasty case of codependency. 


I healed my Inner Child, committed to a practice of lovingly Reparenting myself everyday, and my journey continues.


It is my calling to support the woman who’s ready to let go of who she's HAD to be, into becoming the woman she was BORN to be, through: 

  • Divinely inspired teachings passed down from ancient & contemporary illuminaries.
  • Scientifically-proven tools & techniques curated from the fields of psychology, neurology & human development. 
  • Certified trauma-informed meditation & breath work
  • Clinical applications of Internal Family Systems (as trained by Dr. Frank Anderson, MD)
  • Complex Trauma Recovery support (as trained by the International Complex Trauma Association)
  • Awareness and application of 12 step recovery practices for Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families
  • Essential guidance, encouragement & accountability she’ll need on her journey. 
  • Spontaneous transmissions of insights and directives from the collective (un)consciousness.

"After talking with counselors, psychologists, and pastors over many years, trying to “fix” myself, a loud voice kept persisting that I was the problem: I was too much, not enough, too selfish, too selfless, too needy, too closed off...that I was just wrong and nothing would ever change. But… Another voice said, No, that’s just not true…another voice said "Just try talking with Stephanie". Michaelangelo said “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” Stephanie is a sculptor of spirit in much that way…her tools are not a mallet and chisel, but love, vision and trust; she's not content to just remove the “extra material” herself. She quietly, gently, almost imperceptibly hands the tools over to the women she is called to serve until, before they realize it, they are loving, seeing, and trusting themselves into experiencing the masterpiece that has always been inside...that has always been who they REALLY were. "

Elizabeth C.
Business Owner, Mom, Warrior Woman

"We're all just walking each other Home"

~ Baba Ram Dass

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What My Clients Say....


You Are 1 Decision Away From A Transformation...

See how delightFULL Life can be when you start to BET ON YOURSELF

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Come home to your self love, self trust & self your True Nature... 

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