I tell the truth about my history, because it heals me, AND it helps others know they're not alone....
I come from an abusive, alcoholic, rage-filled father, and a codependent, enabling mother....but from the outside, you never would have known.
It was all smoke and mirrors; my parents were still together, we were active in the church, big house, financially well off, my Dad was a charmer, and my Mom was "so nice"... no one could tell that we were living in a landmine.
We walked on eggshells, hyper vigilant, always looking over our shoulders for Dad's rage, or Mom's passive aggressive control.
Obviously, this affected my development....
I became severely codependent like Mom, carried secret rage that would sneak out, like Dad, and I felt broken, weird, hopeless, and damaged in ways that constantly made me feel like an outsider.
I was always guessing at what was "normal"; trying to fit in, without letting it show that I had no idea who I really was.
I spent YEARS searching for relief from feeling so lost, so lonely, so purposeless, so behind, and so ashamed....
And I looked EVERYWHERE: therapy, religion, every self help book on the market, all the podcasts, etc.
It wasn't until I found Inner Child healing that things started to make sense!
It completely changed my mind about who I was, what I deserved, and what I was capable of experiencing.
It made me fall madly in love with myself, and I didn't care if others thought I was "full of myself"
It taught me how to actually feel good about telling my Truth to everyone, all the time…even when my Truth is a "No"
It allowed me to see Life as an adventure to explore & savor, instead of a repetitive Ground Hog’s day of monotony, struggle, and stress that I've just gotta “get through"
As AMAZING as all that sounds, it's important to note that it all came with a price; I had to give up certain things, and it wasn't easy.
But it's been soooo worth it!
Here are 3 of the biggest “costs” of Inner Child Healing:
The need to explain yourself, and get approval from other people, before you can give yourself approval for what you think, feel and do.
The fear of standing out in the crowd, making waves, and expressing the raw power of your authentic Self, because it might make others uncomfortable or misunderstand you.
The belief that treating yourself as anything BUT the most precious, deserving, delightful Love of your life, ride-or - die #1 fan makes any sense.
That last one though….
Inner Child healing wakes you up from the crazy ass delusion that you need to be “fixed” before you can “earn” being completely, totally delighted by yourself, and your Life, exactly as it is.
Inner Child healing (at least the way I teach it ) pulls back the curtain, and shows you EXACTLY where this delusion came from, why you’re so loyal to it, even when you don’t want to be, and how to stop buying into this bulls***.
Simply put: Inner Child healing is the sanity you never realized you were missing, but is the sanity that you won’t believe you lived so long without….
And it will only cost you everything that hurts.
So a few serious inquiries for you to journal on this week:
Does the idea of treating yourself with unconditional self love, unquestionable self acceptance, and with a "#1 fan" level of self celebration, 100% of the time, bother you, and if so, why?
What do you think might happen if you lived this way?
And if you WANT to live this way, what do you believe gets in the way?
Would LOVE to hear what you discover!
50% Complete
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