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The Post That Will Cost Me Subscribers...


This is gonna be an email that costs me subscribers, but there's something you need to hear, whether you like it or DESERVE to hear it...



So here goes:



The only problem you have, is that you think you have a problem.




It’s my experience that most women in midlife are struggling from essentially the exact same issue: they’re having an identity crisis.




Sometimes, in certain situations, with certain people, while engaged in certain activities (usually work/professional/creative stuff) they’re confident. 




They appreciate themselves. They believe in themselves, and are positive, hopeful and happy. They identify as a capable, strong has-her-shit -together grown ass woman.…..They LOVE themselves. 




But at OTHER times, in certain situations, with certain people, while engaged in certain activities (usually personal “tough” conversations, decision-making with partners, navigating “how to” stuff with family members, and also in some social situations with friends & acquaintances) they feel uncertain, confused, and inadequate. 




They feel nervous when they speak, like they might puke.



Making inconsequential decisions, like what to have for dinner, feels like a physics exam.



They’re stuck in their heads, trying to get everything right because they feel insecure, as if the fate of everyone around them rests on their shoulders.



They feel helpless, powerless, ungrounded and small….like a little kid.




When you feel incongruent like this, you can’t trust yourself, because you can’t be sure who you really are….BOTH of these versions of YOU feel totally real and true.




If this resonates…if you’re having an identity crisis, and you can’t stand that small, insecure version of you that takes over…. THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM!!!




There is a perfectly valid reason that you “get small” in certain situations. 




It makes perfect sense that you can’t show up for the hard conversations with your partner, with the same grounded energy that you have in your work.




Of course this happens!!!





And once you’re willing to get past your self-judgment long enough, to get curious about WHY this all makes perfect sense, you'll TOTALLY GET IT!




You'll understand where you've been confused, it'll all make sense, and you'll never be confused about who you REALLY are, ever again!!




Because guess what?



  • Life is NOT that complicated. 



  • Humans are NOT that complicated. 



  • Being pretty damn happy, grounded and at peace, most of the time, is NOT that complicated.



  • YOU are not that complicated, even while you’re magnificent and precious.



Your “identity crisis” is the natural and neutral outcome of Universal Laws that are set to achieve specific outcomes!!!



Your identity crisis is a PERFECT CUE that it’s time for you to up-level, but since you don’t know the Laws, all you can see is A PROBLEM…..and you’re missing the opportunity to have what you really want!!!



And I know what you want: 



You want to feel grounded in clarity, confidence, peace, joy and self-love as your baseline. You want Life to feel abundant, supportive, fun, and filled to the brim with opportunities to be delighted.




Sister, you want all that, because it belongs to you. 




I can’t say this any more simply: You don’t have a problem; you just don’t know the Laws. 




The Laws are right under your nose; they’re on the freaking internet!! Nothing’s been hidden from you….. 




Start with the basics of quantum physics. Read the holy books…both Testaments, the Gita, Quran etc. Learn about neuro-plasticity and habit formation. Dig into shadow work and the subconscious; do inner child healing. Eat up the work of people like Dr. Mate, Dispenza, Ram Dass and Tolle. Get a basic grip on what trauma REALLY is. 




This is where you start; it’s ALL in there. 



Or work with someone who's already done all this, and has committed their life to LIVING THIS WAY. 



I teach what I’ve learned, and what I’ve learned, is freedom from suffering.


You can learn more about my work by visiting my website, and booking a free consult (links at top bar)



Everything changes from here.



Love, Stephanie


50% Complete

Two Step

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