Tip #3 Emotions tell you what you need; always look for the need!
This is a BIG one….
Emotions are messengers….actually, let’s call them generous friends.
Your emotions tell you exactly what you need, providing the opportunity to meet that need, IF you know what you’re looking at.
Let me give you an example:
When you experience the emotion of judgment, specifically you perceive that you’re being judged, the emotion (as well as the accompanying feeling) is telling you that your NEED to feel understood, accepted, etc is not being met.
Another example: when you experience anger, your need to feel respected, safe, and seen might not be getting met.
When you feel sad, you might have a need to be held, affirmed, nurtured that requires attention.
These are just examples, of course, that I take from my own experience; yours might...
Self care looks like…. lying down on the kitchen floor, crying, moaning, hearing yourself speak words that part of you believes, while another part knows better, but allowing it all any way.
Allowing yourself to feel all the feelings that your mind finds “useless” and “unhelpful” is self care.
“Useless” & “unhelpful” are judgments of an inner critic program, that was installed decades ago, to insure that you were never without an authority to keep you in line, and up to snuff.
Keep you in line for them….for their benefit, opinion, comfort and capacity.
It was always for them.
Our fears, our disappointments, our disagreements were too much for THEM to handle…they couldn’t handle their own; holding ours in strength, tenderness, consistency and assurance was just too big a job.
It was/is nothing personal; but the need remains.
Self care looks like allowing that part of you that’s feeling it, to...
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